wife to Tommy
sons and daughters-in-law: Kyle and Brittany, and Jay and Brandi
Grandchildren: Malia, Kameron, Georgia, Finley, and Berkley
Ordained Pastor in WV American Baptist Church, Associate Pastor at Lubeck Community
Baptist Church
Ministry for me began with a very tentative longing in my heart to love and do life with other
women. I had no idea what I had to offer but often found myself looking back on my life with
regret and thinking, “If I had only known.” I soon realized that many other women were
struggling with trying to do it all, be everything to everyone, and wondering why they were
always striving but felt nothing except weariness and failure. I am passionate about Seasons
Ministry because I found my true source of strength and place of rest in Jesus, and my heart
longs to share Him with other women.
As I my faith has grown, I have discovered a deep desire to teach. The Bible is my rock, and the
true desire of my heart is to hear and know God through His Word. My hope is to encourage
others, especially women, to “make every effort to enter that rest” (Hebrews 4:11) offered by
Jesus when he said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you
rest.” (Matthew 11:28)